Life After Baby Loss: Survival Mode

Dear family, friends and (ex)colleagues/acquaintances, I am sorry if you asked me how I was doing and I lied to you saying that “I was ok”. I am sorry if you wanted more time with me but I just simply couldn’t make it. I am sorry if you asked me “what would you like to do now?” and instead of answering “I don’t know” I came up with no clear answers and left you feeling a little lost. I am…

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A trauma reveals important parts of ourselves and the type of world we live in.  Finding this out can be a very confronting process.  After reconsidering our goals based on the new insights it is possible that: Certain goals that we had for ourselves before losing our babies are now gone or We could have the feeling that those goals no longer seem to have as much meaning as they once did.  We probably even lost faith that we can…

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Post-Traumatic Growth: What does growth mean after baby loss?

Growth after baby loss means moving from the shock of confronting the destruction of our beliefs/dreams/hopes. Recognizing that it is important to give a serious thought about how we want to continue living life to start building a new system of understanding that can help us integrate and survive this trauma and the ones to come in the future. Reflecting and working towards post-traumatic growth is possible and I am here to support you in that process. Would you like…

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It’s Ok To Take Time For Yourself

Our mind and thoughts are so full past and future. Let’s give ourselves 5 minutes to appreciate the present moment and to activate our 5 senses.  Are you ready to take 5 minutes for yourself? Let's do a quick exercise: Sending lots of love your way, Yolanda. Let's connect! Please schedule a 30-min intro call with me as soon as you want/can. We can chat via Skype or Zoom from the comfort of your own safe space. Just click here and sign…

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