Post-Traumatic Growth: 3rd Strategy: Journaling: Expressive writing

Post-Traumatic Growth: Turning trauma into strength. Go ahead and write about it... Whenever you are ready, at your own pace, however you prefer to do it. You can buy a nice notebook or use an old one or if you rather take notes on your phone or your laptop that is also fine as long as you make time for it and you do it with intention. Today, I would like to share with you an easy way to start:…

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Post-Traumatic Growth: 2nd Strategy: Quiet your brain to listen to your heart

Post-Traumatic Growth: Turning trauma into strength. Traumatic events leave us with full and overwhelmed minds. We cannot stop thinking about what happened, we keep having flashbacks, we can’t stop scrolling on our phones trying to find helpful information and reading similar stories. Our brains are working overtime and that is truly exhausting. If we want to move forward without sinking, it is crucial to take a little bit of time each day to quiet our brain to listen to our…

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Post-Traumatic Growth: 1st Strategy: Feeling all the feels.

Post-Traumatic Growth: Turning trauma into strength. Feeling all the feels, that sounds nice...but how do you do that? The best way to start is to own your feelings and be willing to feel them all, exactly as they appear.  Whenever you feel down, instead of blaming yourself, feeling bad about it or spending all your energy trying to hide it --> embrace it, become aware of it, mention it.  For example: Instead of thinking: I feel terrible, I have been…

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Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG): Turning Trauma Into Strength

Post-traumatic stress gets a lot of attention after baby loss but why focus ONLY on the negative? Did you know that there can be growth after a traumatic event? That there are strategies to turn trauma into strength? In Tedeschi’s words: “In the wake of trauma, people become more aware of the futility in life, and that unsettles some while it focuses others. This is the paradox of growth: People become more vulnerable yet stronger.” In the coming days, I…

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