Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG): Turning Trauma Into Strength

Post-traumatic stress gets a lot of attention after baby loss but why focus ONLY on the negative?

Did you know that there can be growth after a traumatic event? That there are strategies to turn trauma into strength? In Tedeschi’s words:

“In the wake of trauma, people become more aware of the futility in life, and that unsettles some while it focuses others. This is the paradox of growth: People become more vulnerable yet stronger.”

In the coming days, I will be sharing some strategies that can help you turn trauma into strength. But before I finish this message, please let me remind you:

Our traumatic event was not a good thing, losing our babies is not OK.

I wish we hadn’t gone through that…but it happened, and now we have to navigate this life with them in our hearts.

Let’s make the best out of this for them but most importantly for ourselves, shall we?!?

Love, Yolanda.

Let’s talk! Click here to plan a 30-min free intro call with me via Skype or Zoom.

This will be a meaningful intro call where we can get to know each other, talk about your story, your feelings, what you are going through right now and the ways that I can support you moving forward.

I will share some practical tips to use right after our call and that will be valuable for you to continue living life in a positive and optimistic way with the love of your baby as strength ALWAYS.

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