Life After Baby Loss: Words Have Power

The words we choose can drive our behavior, shape our beliefs and contribute to the way we create our world.

After losing Max, I heard these comments over and over again and I somehow repeated them myself, but they always left me feeling sad and guilty.

I don’t want to get over my beautiful baby, he is part of my life.

I refused to repeat this and instead I say out loud that I have learned to live with it.

Max is and will always be an important part of my life. There is simply no other way.

Words have power and because of that, it is important to choose those that can calm, comfort, lift and build.

Are you struggling to find the right words to learn to live with the loss of your precious baby? Do those “well-intended” but negative comments of others affect you in ways you never imagine they would?

I will be happy to connect with you and share some tips that will help you improve this.  Just click here and sign up for a free 30-minute intro call with me via Skype or Zoom. Wherever you are.

Love, Yolanda

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