Reminder: You Are Not Your Trauma

Baby loss trauma matters.

This experience is now part of our lives. It shapes the way we make decisions and how we perceive life but it shouldn’t be what fully defines us…

We are human beings who have suffered immensely, we have been thrown into the unknown.

Life without our babies was not in our plans and there are no manuals to find our ways again but we are trying!

We keep going one tiny step at a time, day by day and that is remarkable. It takes a great amount of courage to do that.

So please, every time you have that little tiny voice inside you telling you that you are your trauma, just kindly reply back to your thoughts: I understand why you would think that but I don’t agree, I am so much more than that.

Trauma is more likely to affect us long term if we allow it to influence the way we see/define ourselves and the world. It will keep us feeling threatened.

Please keep reminding yourself that you are not your trauma, that that joyful part of you that once dared to dream is still alive inside you, even if it may feel cut off right now.

Love, Yolanda.

I would love to hear from you and support you in finding that joyful part of you that I know still exists. Please schedule a 30-minute free call with me (via Skype or Zoom). Just click here and sign up for it. Calls can be done in English, Dutch or Spanish. Wherever you are.

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