Post-Traumatic Growth: 2nd Strategy: Quiet your brain to listen to your heart

Post-Traumatic Growth: Turning trauma into strength.

Traumatic events leave us with full and overwhelmed minds.

We cannot stop thinking about what happened, we keep having flashbacks, we can’t stop scrolling on our phones trying to find helpful information and reading similar stories.

Our brains are working overtime and that is truly exhausting.

If we want to move forward without sinking, it is crucial to take a little bit of time each day to quiet our brain to listen to our hearts.

Today, I’d like to share 3 simple ways to do this:

  1. Meditation: Taking a moment for yourself or however you want to call it ;). It is not about clearing your mind, it’s about being aware of where your mind is at. 5 or 10 minutes of meditation a day can make a big difference. You can choose an active meditation practice (go for a walk and be fully present) or passive meditation (sitting still and focusing on your breath, for example). I have to admit that I almost always fall asleep when I try passive meditation, but I keep trying it since it is a good way for me to get some quick rest :).
  2. Active listening: Listen with no other motive in mind but to hear the other person’s point of view. Please try this, it’s a bit harder than you think!
  3. Yoga or any physical exercise where you can take the time to observe all your thoughts come and go.

When you calm down your body and mind, your brain gets the message that there’s no danger, that all is well and that gives your heart the green light to guide you in a clear and truthful way.

I really hope this is helpful!

Love, Yolanda.

Sometimes all you need to find that peace of mind is to share your story with someone who cares; with someone who is willing to dedicate her time and energy to support you finding your way. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Let’s talk! Click here to plan a 30-min free intro call with me via Skype or Zoom. 

Speak to you soon!

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