Post-Traumatic Growth: 3rd Strategy: Journaling: Expressive writing

Post-Traumatic Growth: Turning trauma into strength.

Go ahead and write about it…

Whenever you are ready, at your own pace, however you prefer to do it.

You can buy a nice notebook or use an old one or if you rather take notes on your phone or your laptop that is also fine as long as you make time for it and you do it with intention.

Today, I would like to share with you an easy way to start:

1. Reserve some time once a day to do this. To make a new habit, set an alarm and commit to this practice for at least 21 days. Reserve at least 20 minutes for this exercise.

2. Take a few minutes to think about how losing your baby has impacted you and your life.

3. Begin writing about your deepest thoughts and feelings. Don’t worry about perfection, focus simply on getting all your thoughts and feelings down. If words don’t come easily, you can also try drawing your ideas.

4. If you are feeling resistance, pain, overwhelm or any sort of unpleasant emotional/physical sensation, write them down and try to understand where they come from. If it becomes too much, take a break and start again when you feel better and when you feel up for it. 

5. Compare how you felt before and after writing your journal. See if any of your thoughts shifted after writing them down.

If this works for you, please keep doing it, whenever you want and however you prefer to do it. There are no fixed rules or guidelines to start.

Journaling or expressive writing is a powerful tool to improve physical and psychological health.

It helped me process my emotions and thoughts after I lost Max. I know how hard it is to keep on living after your heart has been broken into pieces, it is the hardest and most complicated part of grief.

I really hope my practical examples will help you navigate the waves of grief.

If you are struggling or if you know someone who could benefit from my support, please share my content and details with them. I really appreciate your support.

Love, Yolanda.

Let’s connect. Click here to plan a 30-min free intro call with me via Skype or Zoom. 

This will be a meaningful intro call where we can get to know each other, talk about your story, your feelings, what you are going through right now and the ways that I can support you moving forward.

I will share some practical tips to use right after our call and that will be valuable for you to continue living life in a positive and optimistic way with the love of your baby as strength ALWAYS.

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